Davao region statistics as of June 2018:
Population of Region XI (Davao Region) as of August 2015 | 4,893,318 |
Organized Churches | 000 |
Companies | 000 |
Church Membership | 000 |
Total Accessions | 000 |
Baptisms | 000 |
Professions of Faith | 000 |
Ordained Ministers, Active | 000 |
Total Active Employees | 000 |
Media Institutions
Total Radio Stations | 4 |
Total TV Station (Terrestial) | 1 |
Total Local Cable Operators with Hope Channel Broadcast | 12 |
Total Number of Media Missionaries | 000 |
Total | |
Educational Program
Total Schools | 000 |
Tertiary Institution | 0 |
Secondary Institution | 0 |
Primary/Elementary Institution | 0 |
Total Enrollment | |
Total Number of Teachers | |
Publishing Program
Total Schools | 000 |
Tertiary Institution | 0 |
Secondary Institution | 0 |
Primary/Elementary Institution | 0 |
Total Enrollment | |
Food Industries
Food Industries | 1 |
Healthcare Institutions
Total Healthcare Institution/s | 1 |
Tertiary Institution | 0 |
Secondary Institution | 0 |
Primary/Elementary Institution | 0 |
Total Enrollment | |