14 former pastors and leaders share testimonies of conversion

November 26, 2015 • in News & Events


The Office of the Ministerial Secretary of the Adventist Church in Davao region presented and acknowledged the presence of 14 of the 32 notable invited visitors during the monthly workers’ meeting, held at the Adventist Headquarters in Davao along Palm Drive, Bajada, Davao City on Thursday, November 26.

Pr. Reynaldo Merin, the ministerial secretary of Davao Mission, took the initiative to recognize the visitors in front of the Davao Mission’s staff and workers, during the monthly meeting. These 14 visitors consisted of former leaders and pastors of different religious groups from places around Davao and were converted into the Adventist faith.

Davao Mission president, Pr. Jerry Patalinghug, was moved by their testimonies of how God worked in their lives and found their way to becoming Adventists. Some became Adventists because of a thorough bible study from the pastor assigned in their place. Some were through Hope Radio. Others were through the books they chance upon to read.

“My conversion started when Pr. Bualan held an evangelism series in Malita where I was only observing from afar. When I heard that the Sabbath is Saturday I was confused. Since then, I always listened to the lectures and I found out for myself that this church truly follows what the bible teaches,” said one invitee.

These former pastors expressed sincere happiness for being invited to this gathering and happy to be a part of this worldwide church.

Their stories of conversion will hopefully inspire the members of Seventh-day Adventist Church in Davao Mission to continue to share the gospel and hopeful for others to find the truth.

Patalinghug closed the simple recognition with a prayer and promised to give support to these former leaders of different denominations who are now Adventists. [Vecente Macalua]

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