Update Two: Spiritual Formation Seminar
January 24, 2013 • in News & Events
As the morning comes to a close, Pastor Beinvenido Mergal delivered one rousing line after another jolted the participants from their seats as the Spiritual Transformation Seminar continues at the Function Room of the Adventist Church headquarters in Davao.
“Sometimes, people are mistakenly confused that the mind is the brain. The mind is NOT the brain. The mind is the spiritual entity in which God communicates with us,” Mergal stressed.
As the lines were delivered, participants become curious as to what might come next in this very dynamic and spiritually-filled lectures and messages.
Mergal also delivered the comparison between the secular and spiritual minds: “The secular mind is man-centered while a spiritual mind is God-centered; The secular mind is focused on the World while the spiritual mind is in the Word; The secular mind is informative while the other is formative! Secular thinking is a deformed thinking!”
In-group sessions were also done in-between devotional programs.
The Adventist Media will continue to update our church members of this three-day event. For inquiries, you may call +63 (82) 302.1366 or SMS us at 0909.999.5559 or logon to www.dmadventist.org.ph
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