Adventist communicators convene in Butuan City
July 19, 2013 • in News & Events
More than 87 participants from around Mindanao gathered at the Seventh-day Adventist Church headquarters in Northeastern Mindanao for the Radio Production Workshop last July 16-18, 2013. The event was organized by the Mindanao Adventist Communicators (MAC).
According to Rhoen Catolico, MAC president, “the workshop will equip our participants with the fundamentals in radio production.”
The Interactive Church series is a program of the organization, upholding MAC’s motto: Equip. Enhance. Enrich. “It is through these workshops that we are able to equip our church members, to enhance their ministry, thereby, enriching the experiences of those whom we get in contact with.
87 participants from the different missions and conferences in Mindanao attended the Radio Production Workshop hosted by the Mindanao Adventist Communicators (MAC) Northeastern Mindanao chapter last July 16-18, 2013.
Dubbed as “Radio Production Worshop,” the seminar held at the Northeastern Mindanao Mission conference hall was a workshop activity of MAC’s program “INTER-ACTIVE CHURCH,” in cooperation with Communication Department of SouthernAsia pacific Division of Seventh-day Adventist
“MAC’s thrust this year is to provide the members a background of radio production- particularly in script writing, radio programming, corporate branding, fund-raising for radio and online streaming,” Catolico said.
Janfel Villahermosa (Instructor, Adventist University of the Philippines) , Lilian Jatayna (Producer/Host of Women of Hope), Welsie dela Cruz (Manager, Adventist Media, SSD), Ruel Hipulan (National Anti Poverty Commision member, CARAGA Region), and Hanz Paler (Technical Director, DXBP FM) are the resource speakers of the workshop.
The workshop was co-sponsored by the Communication departments of the South Philippine Union Conference and the Southern Asia-Pacific Division.
Hope Channel Southern Philippines manager Pastor Ephraim Pitogo, also a DXBP past station manager, gave his insights on the topic:
“The number of the attendees and their eagerness to learn is overhelming. This reminds us that we need to hold another one like this, have a regular schedule every year to create an effective way in spreading the news,” Pastor Pitogo said.
The Radio Production workshop is expected to attract broadcasters and journalists who will share their efforts for the equipping, enhancing and enriching of our church!
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